Copywriter / Brand Builder
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ISM Saddles

ISM Saddles: “Redecorating”

About The Project:

In the world of competitive cycling, ISM is known for helping riders stay comfortable over rough terrain and for long-distance rides. Hoping to appeal to more of a consumer demographic, alongside their primary professional and semi-pro demographic, they chose Kernel to develop a branding campaign.

For this commercial, we focused on the key theme of comfort, while also tying in the client’s unique style of humor. Following a family that has become fed up with uncomfortable bikes rides affecting their daily lives, the husband brings home some ISM saddles, and the results are life-changing.

Hoping to bring that comfort from their bike rides into their homes, they replace the cushions throughout the home with ISM saddles (bar stools, ladders, sofas, etc.). Maybe it’s going a bit overboard, but when you can experience comfort like this, how could you resist?

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DP: Dylan Tozier

Video: Peter Byatt

Copywriter: Matt Gil

Editor: Keiana Rucks