Copywriter / Brand Builder
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Bon Appétit Restaurant

Bon Appétit Restaurant: “Love Story”

About The Project:

Bon Appétit Restaurant came to Kernel in search of a branding commercial that would help them broaden their appeal. While the client’s previous commercials focused on cuisine and current specials, we dove deep into first-party research for new insights.

For fine-dining, we discovered that people were primarily drawn to the “experiences” that restaurants like Bon Appétit offered their patrons. Great food, beautiful sunset views, and dockside dining were all part of the experience, but we focused on the client’s ability to fully cater to and host weddings as our theme. We developed a five-part series which would have a young couple being re-introduced by their parents after many years apart, coming back for their first date, proposing after a year or two together, celebrating their engagement with family and friends, and finally getting married at the restaurant itself.

The story built over the months, with a social media campaign also helping to raise awareness of the restaurant. The result was a tangible 37% increase in business in 2019, plus numerous mentions by patrons who were brought in by the campaign. It also brought home a Bronze TELLY in 2019.

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Director: Laurie Keebler

DP: Greg Suarez

Video: Dylan Tozier, Austin McCurry

Copywriter: Matt Gil

Editor: Keiana Rucks